If you have a copy of any missing software, please post in that software's article's discussion page, post in #worms on GameSurge, and/or contact a bureaucrat or administrator for upload. However, some software downloads are missing.

Most of this software is meant to be run on the user's local computer, and so this section intends to archive downloads for such software.

gameplay enhancements and new extra content, it is the ultimate 3D Worms collection Key Features. This page lists additional software related to the 2D Worms series. Developer: Team17 Digital Ltd Publisher: Team17 Digital Ltd. In the full version, you can battle up to three other players on one of three random landscape themes or choose from a fine selection of single player battles, customise your army, choose from a selection of classic Worms weaponry: from the famed Bazooka to the devastating Banana Bomb, change the multitude of game settings, collect all of.