Leaving them as a disjointed bunch of individual models compared to a cohesive group of skilled athletes. No matter how good your technical painting abilities are, a bad choice of colours can really detract from the overall look of the team. In a real life situation, with both models on the pitch and a distance from the viewer, the differences in quality of painting are much less clear. Most of the time the view above is what will be seen of the models. The differences are clear up close up in a well-lit photograph. Whilst the model on the right was completed to a higher standard.

The model on the left was done using basic painting techniques, washes and drybrushing over a basecoat. A basic paint job will pretty much always look better than bare plastic, metal or resin. At this distance there will be little to differentiate between the technique of an average painter and that of an expert. Much of the time the models will be viewed at arm’s length or greater. When it comes to painting models a key factor to take into consideration is the colour scheme that you will use. Therefore, the focus of this article will be on an aspect where Blood Bowl differs from most other miniature games, picking the colouring of sports uniforms. There are already numerous resources devoted to the best techniques employed for painting models, these will apply just as well to Blood Bowl players as they would for any other gaming model.

GW will be bringing out a boxed set in 2020, along with several brand new teams and updated rules, which means it is a perfect time to look at the painting section of the hobby.